The original:
Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope, 1977)
Directed by:
George Lucas (THX 1138, American Graffiti)
Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, David Prowse, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker
What's it about?
A fairy tale, a fantasy, and a sci-fi film about a young farm boy who, when his adoptive family is killed, joins a Wizard-Ronin, Space-Smuggler and a Walking Carpet to deliver a message, save a Princess and fight to help over-throw a fascist regime.
A film that instantly became a phenomenon, spawning sequels, prequels, tie-ins, spin-offs, rip-offs and taught literally hundreds of millions of children that there is wonder in the Universe.
If you grew up in the 80’s, there’s a strong chance this, and its two sequels, are as much a part of your childhood (and dare we say, adulthood) as anything else.
Not before or since has nostalgia fused with reality, creating a blanket of experiences ranging from your favourite bedspread to eventual world-view.
Easy to dismiss, easier to embrace, Star Wars marked a time and place like nothing else, all from the comfort of your own imagination, and a galaxy, far, far away.
“Wonderful girl. Either I’m going to kill her, or I’m beginning to like her.”
“Don’t call me a mindless philosopher, you over-weight glob of grease.”
“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
“That’s great, kid! Don’t get cocky.”